Leonora Kilmartin
Debt Collection Officer
It was fate’s hand when one day in 2016 Leonora Kilmartin ran into her old colleague Sandra Kantros, Ward Keller’s debt collection manager.
After finishing her apprenticeship with a debt collection agency in 2011, Leonora had switched to the health sector to try something different. But when Sandra mentioned Ward Keller was expanding its debt recovery practice, Leonora jumped at the chance to rejoin the field.
Leonora joined the Ward Keller team in September 2016, slotting comfortably into her role assisting Sandra.
‘I have a knack for wanting to help people, I think’, she said. ‘We help people pay off their debts in an easy transition…people who are trying to breathe again and just need a bit of leeway to do that. I like helping them work their way through that.’
A born and bred Darwin girl, Leonora is an active lass who plays soccer and Aussie rules football. She also loves travelling, especially abroad. ‘I love getting a feel for different countries; it really makes you appreciate the quality of life we have here.’