Leaving and returning to Australia
Fully vaccinated Australians will soon be eligible for international travel without first seeking an exemption.
The government has announced that Australian citizens or permanent residents aged 12 and over who have received two doses of a recognised vaccine will be able to travel without needing an exemption. This could start sometime in November but there will be more information provided soon.
Children under 12 and those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons will also be able to travel overseas without an exemption.
Australian citizens and permanent residents who do not meet the eligibility requirements must continue to follow the current border processes when leaving Australia or coming to Australia.
Returning to Australia
Australian citizens and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated with an Australian Government recognised vaccine, or under the age of 12, may be eligible for reduced quarantine arrangements when you return to Australia. You will need to demonstrate your vaccination status at check-in when travelling to Australia.
States and Territories are responsible for determining, and managing, reduced quarantine arrangements for vaccinated Australians and permanent residents. This may involve home quarantine for a reduced period of time. You must check with the State or Territory that you are returning to for their quarantine arrangements.
International visitors and temporary visa holders
The next priority would be bringing in skilled migrants and international students who are double vaccinated. Overseas travellers hoping to visit Down Under for a holiday won’t be able to do so until 2022.
For more information on how this may affect you, contact our migration team:
Phone: 08 8946 2999
Email: wardkeller@wardkeller.com.au
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