A divorce is simply the legal ending of a marriage and is achieved by way of an application to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.
Many clients incorrectly associate the word divorce with Parenting Matters and/or Property Settlements. Obtaining a divorce does no more than end the marriage.
An Application for a Divorce can be made jointly or by one of the parties to the marriage. Providing arrangements have been made for the care of any children under 18 the divorce application may be able to be dealt with by the courts without any court appearances.
The court will grant the application for a divorce providing they are satisfied:
Ward Keller’s family law team can assist you with obtaining a divorce, including
You can speak with one of our experienced family lawyers, who will provide you with initial advice, information regarding ongoing costs and determine which of our team is best placed to assist you.
To make the most of your initial consultation, please use our sophisticated online system to learn about how we can assist you, and, crucially, to provide us with some background information about your circumstances. This will enable us to meaningfully answer your questions, provide advice, and discuss your options.
If you would like to make an appointment for an initial consultation please contact Kerryn Campbell on 89462936, or make a start online.